Instrumentation & optimization of a mechanical assembly
Fer’Incub is permanently invested in various R&D projects for wich we lean on primarly our skills in digital simulation (Solver NX Nastran):
• Static linear calculation
• Nonlinear calculations (elastoplasticity, creep)
• Modal study
• Assembling and managing contacts
• Thermal study
• Fatigue study
In order to build digital models as close as possible to reality and obtain reliable results for our customers, Fer’Incub team has developed different instrumentation method (installation of strain gauges, thermocouples).
For example, in an optimization phase of a mechanical assembly with a conical centered ring, a test bench at scale 1:1 was designed and stress measurements were made by testing different setups and assembly procedures. These measurements enabled to a precise calibration of the model (coefficient of friction, effective tightening of bolts, etc.) in order to provide realistic optimizations.